RallyFunJapan > News > Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020
RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

RallyFunJapan | Hyundai Motorsport has outlined its intentions to compete for the WRC2020

Hyundai Motorsportは、2020年シーズンが近づくにつれてFIA世界ラリー選手権(WRC)の連続タイトルを狙っています(ラリー・モンテカルロ、1月23〜26日)
チームは、4組のラインナップ(Thierry Neuville / Nicolas Gilsoul、OttTänak/ MartinJärveoja、Dani Sordo / Carlos del Barrio、SébastienLoeb / Daniel Elena)を配置します。チームはWRCの6度目の2019年に4つの勝利と13の表彰台を獲得し、メーカーのタイトルを獲得しました。

#6 Dani Sordo/Carlos del Barrio;
#8 Ott Tänak/Martin Järveoja;
#9 Sébastien Loeb/Daniel Elena;
#11 Thierry Neuville/Nicolas Gilsoul.