Tänak and Toyota triumphant together in Argentina

Akio Toyoda (Team Chairman)
日本から見て地球の反対側となるアルゼンチンからタナック選手のヤリスでの初優勝のニュースが届いたこと大変嬉しく思います。タナック選手、ヤリスでの初優勝おめでとう、ありがとう! そして、応援いただいたファンの皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
2年目のシーズンはこれから中盤戦に入ります。今後もファンの皆様に嬉しいニュースをお届けできるよう、我々TOYOTA GAZOO Racing WRTは全力で走り続けます。
I’m very pleased to receive the news came from the other side of the world that Ott Tänak won Rally Argentina. Congratulations and thank you Ott for your first victory with Yaris! I also really appreciate all the fans supporting us. In last year’s Rally Argentina, our Yaris WRCs were thoroughly damaged by the rough roads. However, our team members learned a lot and have improved the car, and finally they have got the Yaris back on the top of the podium. Latvala, who unfortunately retired early in the weekend, had run as fast as Tanak before the trouble and left Argentina with positive feeling and strong comment. He said: “the Yaris is very fast.” Lappi, who finished 8th overall, also insisted that he learned a lot from his first experience in Rally Argentina. I’m glad to see all the team members are growing and cars are being developed through fighting on the roads of the WRC. The second season is now in its middle phase. TOYOTA GAZOO Racing World Rally Team keeps pushing the limit to deliver good news to the fans. Thank you for your continuing support.”
Ott Tänak (Driver car 8)
このチームで最初の優勝を飾ったことに特別な思いを感じます。改善を重ねた結果クルマは急速に進化し、現在は完全に私が望む状態に仕上がり、確固たる自信を持って走ることができています。また、チームが私をしっかりと支え続けてくれることに心から感謝しています。この難しいラリーで初めて優勝でき、とても満足していますが、決して簡単なラリーではありませんでした。 序盤はかなり激しく攻め2位との差が大きく広がったので、以降はペースをうまくコントロールすることができました。そして今日は、さらに余裕を持った走りをしました。すべてが良い方向に向かっており、上位との選手権のポイント差も縮まってきています。シーズンはまだ長いので、次戦以降も今回と同じように戦い続けたいと思います。
It is very special to take my first win with the team. We have been improving the car very quickly, and it is now pretty much how I like it. It has been giving me great confidence. It is also great to see how much the team has been supporting me. To dominate a rally like this for the first time is very nice, but it has definitely not been easy. Earlier in the weekend I was pushing a lot. As the gap was growing it was possible for us to control it more and more, and today we were more on the safe side. The direction is good and we are closing up in the championship. It is still fairly early in the season, so now we just need to keep going in the same way in the coming rallies.”